Story of Benny:

Benny is a baseball. He is preparing for the biggest day of his life, working in the World Series. He's nervous about his moment in the spotlight. He begins in a box with 11 other baseballs, in the clubhouse. The game is nearing the 7th inning and his excitement level grows. His family members are all watching on television, hoping for Benny to make it into the game. None of them ever became famous, they were used for things like batting practice, sold in sporting goods stores. One brother was used in a minor league game, but the pitcher rejected him and threw him back to the umpire. He was never used again and went into a deep depression.

So Benny has his family's pride riding on his nonexistent shoulders. He breaks into a sweat when suddenly, the box is opened and two large hands reach in. Six balls are removed, and Benny is one of them. He is carried across the clubhouse and into the dugout where he sits in a pile waiting to be used. He catches a glimpse of the scoreboard, it's now in the bottom of the ninth inning with one out and the game is tied. He thinks about how thrilling it would be if he were used as the last baseball of the World Series! Baseballs from around the world dream about a moment like that, and he is almost about to live that dream.

The count is 1-1 and the pitcher pitches the ball. The batter grounds it foul up along the 1st base line. The umpire motions that he is out of baseballs and the batboy grabs Benny and the 5 others and heads out onto the field. The umpire puts 3 in each pouch, then reaches out to give one to the pitcher. As luck would have it, he grabs Benny. Sailing in the air on the way to the pitcher's glove, Benny gets a great view of the gorgeous stadium and all its fans, packed in and cheering their team. The pitcher has Benny in his claws, he twists and turns him around as he prepares to make the pitch. Benny could feel the grip -- curveball -- and the pitcher begins his windup.

Benny is quickly thrust forward and hurled through the air towards the menacing bat. All his thoughts of glory and fame vanished as he eyes the fast-approaching piece of lumber, waiting to smack him from here to kingdom come. Benny hits the bat squarely on the barrel and is sent careening in the air. A moment later he sees the crowd...over the visiting dugout...all the fans in the area stand up to try to catch him. Benny lands not in the glove of an anxious youngster, or a die-hard fan....but in a cup of beer. He is soaked, and dejected. Worst of all? He was a foul ball. He could almost see his family sitting at home quickly turn off their television and cry. Benny was a loser just like the rest of his family.

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